Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chelsea's Current Obsessions


  1. I'm not sure if you're still blogging, since it's been a few weeks--but I just wanted to tell you how much I adore this outfit! If you like dreaming up these outfits, you should definitely join in my Friday's Fancies link-up! I'd love to have you! Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo {av}

    1. Hello A! I'm not sure how I missed this comment, but I'm sorry I did! I checked out your blog and was stuck browsing through it for an hour! I would definitely love to join you for the Friday Fancies link-up! I'm still pretty new to this blogging stuff, so perhaps you could shoot me an email letting me know what all needs to be done on my end for the fancies?
      Hope you're having a great weekend.

      XO Chelsea
